The abode that is cool, and the place where the Star can be seen, in which there is “prayag” - meaning the union of Triveni [confluence of the three rivers] - that is called “madhyadesha” [middle-land]
When samana vayu expands, the Supreme Person is seen; performing Kriya with prana vayu, a taste like golden honey and ghee can be experienced in the throat.
(21) “Utpalnal” - meaning the passage/tube that rises from the root - meaning Muladhar - rising in this - meaning “nal” - like the way that water is drawn up in a tube, like in the stem of a flower - in that way, knowing it through the teaching of Guru, one must perform the out-breath in motionlessness while having magnetically drawn vayu; upon drawing vayu in that way again - one who does it in this way 21,728 times attains samadhi. It is he that abides in the Stillness of that state.
(22) Making vayu like a rope from the throat to the eyebrows - “kua” [well] - meaning throat, heart, navel, lingamula, Muladhar - all the lotuses that are there in these five elements - draw vayu through the roadway of this tube, bring it into the middle of the eyebrows - meaning: into the Ajna chakra and merge there.
(23) In the middle of the eyebrows, at the root of the nasal passage, is the abode of Nectar; if one abides there - the One Who resides there - it is He that is Eternal; He is Omnipresent; thus Supreme.Thus ends Dhyanabindu.
(6) “tarka” [enquiring and concluding] is in the Yoni - taking vayu in Tranquility to the middle of the eyebrows and discerning in the Lord in the head is called “tarka.”